Thursday, October 1, 2009

Penan Girl Today

the young penan generation today not know what their fate in future and how they want survice in modern world


  1. the picture is show us a penan girl in happy emotion...that's because the girl is still don't know what a their problem in this modern we know,now a jungle is damage in a big quantity because of city people activity for their economic income...the damage will give penan people a negative effect and it made them so difficult to find a food in the jungle...follow to the picture, of course the girl is still don't know and don't understand what a big trouble will come in the future...

  2. so cute..hehe..look like hazwan's face..(",)

  3. yes...i also think so..hehehe.
    she is so cute. Her beauty is not after the make over but it is the inner hazuan said, that's because the girl is still don't know the modern world.
